art design stage production

School Musical : Chicago

Spring 2023 I make the same statement for every show whether I worked with middle school or high school students, the kids made it. This is true. I design the plans based on the musical with specific input from the director’s directions. A testament to my claim is the greatest message from this image: the […]

art design reflection stage production

School Musical: Beauty and The Beast

Fall 2022 This middle-school production provided big growth facilitating design and production for the set, practice with education, and a second year with the Backstage Crew school club. Working with a new director on his first ever production gave me a chance to establish a design that worked well for students learning curve, production skills […]

art design stage production

School Musical : Les Misérables

2022, Spring. Planning started shortly after the Spring 2021 high school performance, the administration and the producer encouraged this show to be a large production; beyond itself, the show took place in a year as the pandemic restrictions were released, and this would be the reemergence of performing before a live audience. Since this was […]