If R2D2 had bones.
Step 4 for the “ankle” box. Three pieces are required for this assembly.

Partial efforts on Step 4. A close-up of one side and the characteristic glue smears on the gloss-polish surfaces.

I did not finish Step 4. The angled flap needs a secured attachment –aka, dried glue– on the side extensions of Piece 63 before working the shark-tooth attachments to the arced flap. Plus, the folded top (Piece 87–way out of the sequential order of design and construction don’t you think?) has not been attached. The folded flap sits under a weight while the glue works its bonding magic.
Why a folded piece? I do not know: stiffness to hold the arc? print marks on both sides? I would love to ask these paper model engineers what they were thinking.
But at least I am still working for both left and right legs.