From my previous R2D2 entry in this series, I left off with not attempting Step 5 due to lost persistence especially since I still had to duplicate Step 4 for the other leg. The following day, I had made another attempt with renewed ambition.
Before I continue, please allow two confessions:
Confession ONE – These entries are inconsistent and late with the actual project timeline. I am sorry for my lack of authenticity and apparent irresponsibility as well as seeming disinterested or disrespectful toward you dedicated readers. If you know me, I tend to have too much on my plate and each thing tends to become more complicated than needed. Such an exercise as this requires additional dedication, time and less-to-no-other responsibilities to be on the ball writing and producing each entry. Yes, this entry is several weeks late; and I am probably (most likely ((yes I am))) several weeks late for the following three regarding this project that I have yet to publish. The “to-do” list has priorities, so deal with it better-than-me person. I like chilling with beer from time to time. Sure this may mean I have poor time management skills and dedication. We are all different. At least I am trying; and this comment is by no means an attack on you. So my promise backed with best intentions but that will be half-heartedly kept is this: I will try to be more responsible to post my experiences to a more accurate representation for the production timeline. For this to work, I could reduce each entry’s length by avoiding embellished responses with ad-libs and comedic attempts for your entertainment to basic, non-eloquent terse language. That kind of management should require less time for succinct steps that will then need less review and edit time whereas creative quips and explorative narratives tend to beseech exponential consumption of time to develop, refine, review and revise. Starting now, or shortly after I have explained Confession Two.
Confession TWO – I am significantly late due to a few reasons.
Sub-section One – The holiday season of Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year occurred in the interim. We all know how that can be. Compounded by stress and errands dedicated to travel, preparing for travel, shopping for gifts, etc — all of that takes time and priority above this non-productive and not profitable blog.
Sub-section Two – I had another obligation (beyond the other priorities I previously have mentioned) to help with my son’s class show. Upon walking into a children’s party to pick up my son, I had learned that I was volunteered to work on fixing a stage prop in need of repair. More than that, another completely new one needed to be made so there were two props. The repair alone required some time, and it was not just a repair; I had to modify because like I said I make nothing simple.
Sub-section Three – I was essentially a bit occupied with an injury compounded in conjunction but not due to Sub-section Two; plus general surgery recovery while still involved with previously stated subsection. I am not going to get into details because some things I like to keep private. It was nothing serious as long as I had the surgery; but let’s just say belly hurt.
So enough with the tangent and back to the story.
Renewed Vigor Onward through Step 5

R2D2 has two side legs. Each leg basically means duplicating each step reflecting one leg literally since the leg was flipped in design. This assembly for one of the legs has not made it through Step 4. Parts for Step 5 have also been collected and arranged in the foreground. Step 4 requires that that flapping tab be fastened to the other assembled piece AND to cap the bottom with half-capsule rectangle(? — if you have a better name for it, please provide).

Long story short, that stupid tube, that half arched form sitting on top of the tube and the blue wedge below have been folded and fastened into their respective positions. This represents what I believe could be the left leg if you face the model, the other one I just lacked the ambition to find and photograph. Give me a break, this was before the promise.
But hold the front door! Step 6 has essentially one assembly to be prepared two times for each of these freaking ankles.

Here are the pieces modeled with my “manicured” thumb for scale.

I stalled, again.