art design stage production

School Musical : Chicago

Spring 2023 I make the same statement for every show whether I worked with middle school or high school students, the kids made it. This is true. I design the plans based on the musical with specific input from the director’s directions. A testament to my claim is the greatest message from this image: the […]

art art lesson

Quotes Supporting the Arts

The Arts can help students become tenacious, team-oriented problem solvers who are confident and able to think creatively. Arne Duncan, Former U.S. Secretary of Education In the push for quality math, science, technical, humanities, and other programs, please be sure that the arts are not ignored or pushed to one side. Provide your political support […]

art art lesson dad stuff reflection

Habits of Mind

The instigation While considering an art classroom strategy book “Studio Thinking 2: The Real Benefits of Visual Arts Education” by Lois Hetland, I had come across a customer’s review which stated that though this particular art pedagogy book was “a great resource” it was “not an honest representation of the arts programming in this … […]