Two weeks have passed since my last “productive” build. Yes, I know two weeks and I have not committed myself to this important project. I do have other things to do. Yet, this project while it irritates me I must finish it. I cannot continue starting and not finishing projects. I feel unaccomplished…but that is not the point for this small unimportant story.
Moving on…
With the body and head basically done I can proceed to the feet. This time I changed my build strategy based on my previous experience and read several steps ahead. I noticed Step 5 had great effort; I have to do the step FOUR TIMES and please note how many pieces involved in Step 5. There are five pieces for Step 5. Five. That would be all fine if the pieces were of a respectable size, but please move on to the latter image and see how four of these pieces compare to a pencil.
Oh, look at that. Piece 35 is a box of five sides and each of them are just a wee-bit wider than the comparison object’s tip. Just to reiterate: the tabs on Piece 35beg to be larger than a pencil graphite tip. I have to fold these tabs so I can glue the box to the modified cylinder ends. And please note that there are two instances of this 5-sided box—one for each end—for one iteration for this step. So some math: two of these boxes for each cylinder assembly; there are four cylinder assemblies; that is EIGHT of these boxes.
With my focus on the folding and gluing, I did not the time required to successfully complete one iteration of this step—in other words: I have not paid any attention to the clock to know how long I take to build one of these stupid steps….but here we have the awesome specimen of the finest production.* Just three more to go.
*Based on previous entries, this is sarcasm.