dad stuff home project

Home Repair : Basement Stairs

For twelve years we simply lived with the “small” issues of our home. We do have intentions to repair these issues. For example, one issue happened when it rained. We did not like having a stream flow from one corner of the room to another, so we fixed it. Some issues just appear to be […]

dad stuff project R2D2

Building R2D2

A son-dad summer project building a cardboard model of a beloved robot. We started this project expecting fun bonding moments while we bonded cardboard pieces together. Unfortunately this project turned into a burden.

dad stuff

A Letter to My Son

Dear Owen, I regret that I did not record this reflection on the immediate moment after this event took place; I hope that you do not take any negative reaction with regard to my delay. In addition, I may have the exact time off by a day or two; but, again, take in consideration of […]